Translation company

About us

We are translators and interpreters. Choosing translators and interpreters to fulfill your needs is our work! We help our clients to operate their business in new languages. We use different ways of communication and translate any types of texts: short messages, correspondence, public documents, large texts of the specialized projects, web-sites, translation and dubbing of video and audio materials.
Our team consists of 7 experienced specialists and 900 freelance translators around the world, whose qualification allows our company to perform translation and editing in 60+ languages.

Inbound tourism

Our clients

90% of our clients recommend our company to others!

If the client asks for it, it can be done.

5 basic clients' needs that have become a law for us:

1. High quality of translations
2. Reasonable prices
3. Professional consultation
4. Speed of translation
5. Desktop publishing

Our clients around the world send us texts on various topics.

We are absolutely sure, that the success of our clients depends on clear, conscious communication and entire understanding between the parties.

Get 5% discount on written translation after conclusion of the contract with us (for legal entities).

Get 5% discount on advance payment.

Language geography

Where and what language people speak, and the list of working languages in Links Dynamics you can see in this section.
We take care of your communication and absence of any language barriers, that is why we work for you under the slogan "You communicate, we translate".

Frequently desired languages among our clients:
English, German, Czech, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi, Chinese, Arabic, Ukrainian, Finnish, Kazakh, Yiddish, Slovenian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Turkish.

Mission and values

The mission of Links Dynamics is the increasing of the attractiveness of Russia on international market, and as a result, the highest quality of life of our citizens.

The values of Links Dynamics: trust, high qualification, respect.

The key principles of our work:

  • translate ideas, not just words
  • practise of the protocol and etiquette
  • study first and then translate
  • confidence, opennes and reliability

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our clients, translators and partners for the efficient cooperation, hard work and trust!

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