We do not just translate, we are focusing on the specifics of your activity. We support your global communication, while you are fully concentrated on your business.
What we translate:
Your translated documents completely comply with the original.
Order your translation from 60 languages into Russian and vice versa or translate from one foreign language to another foreign language.
What we do free of charge: original document review and evaluation, file preparation, style guide preparation, glossary and translation memory creation.
We apply, but not are limited to the guides:
Software we work with: AutoCAD, Word, CorelDRAW, Excel, InDesign
Documents' format: .pdf, .jpg, .doc, .bmp, .txt, .xls
Medical and technical translations have been the crucial directions of Links Dynamics since 2005.
Technical translations
We translate:
in the following industries:
Translation of scientific articles
Millions of researches are conducted globally every day. The scientists promote the international science, opening up new opportunities. The scientific breakthroughs are transformed to the practical use and a new wealth creation.
Today we translate scientific works from Russian into foreign languages and into Russian from foreign languages. If you want to publish your article in the known world journals indexed in the database of Web of Science, Web of Knowledge, Scopus, OMICS etc., we are ready to provide you with complete linguistic support, beginning from the registration in the thematic journal and finishing, but not limited to the comments from reviewers and editors.
We also invite you for publishing your manuscripts in Russian journals with global impact factor.
We have translated the studies in biology, analytical chemistry, medicine, mathematics, psychology, economics and ecology.
We translate any types of the scientific works: original research papers, monographs, short communications, abstracts, books.
Text editing and glossary creation
We do editing and proofreading of the previously translated "not by us" texts by a native speaker or an expert in a certain field (for example, by the chemists, engineers).