You can certify with us the translation of any document (official or non-official) from any foreign language or from Russian language into a foreign language. Certifying the translation of a document by notary is generally required for the further legalization of the document and forwarding to the country of destination. Translation of personal documents is certified by notary for further legalization and forwarding to the country of destination. We pay your attention to the fact that before a foreign document comes to Russian Federation it should get apostille or legalization marks in the country of origin in order to gain legal power at the territory of Russia.
Apostille is necessary for the documents which you will submit at the territiry of another country. You will need to put an apostille stamp on documents issued in RF for the following countries:
The list of countries the members of the Hague Convention dd. 5 October 1961, please, see here.
The list of authorities in Perm, where you can put an apostille stamp on the documents issued in Russian Federation, please, see here.
We execute the translations and notary certification, and at the stage of the legalization itself there join in our partners from Moscow. Average time for the procedure of consular legalizatin is 2 weeks including forwarding the documents to Moscow and back. It is important for us that you spare as less as possible efforts, time and finances during registration of the documents.
We do consular legalization of the documents for the following countries which are not joined to the Hague Convention:
Brazil, Egypt, Jordan, Canada, Qatar, China, (People's Republic of China), Costa Rica, Kuwait, Iran, Irak, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabiya, Syria, Taiwang, the Fillipina.