Translation company

Сonsular legalization

We pay much interest and attention to any case of legalization of your documents and are gladly ready to reply all your questions.

It is important for us that you spare as less as possible efforts, time and finances during registration of the documents.



Consular legalization of the documents will be necessary for the following countries which are not joined to the Hague Convention:
Brazil, Egypt, Jordan, Canada, Qatar, China, (People's Republic of China), Costa Rica, Kuwait, Iran, Irak, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabiya, Syria, Taiwang, the Fillipina.

As a rule documents which are submitted to the consular institution should be in foreign langulage, but the legalization inscribtion is done in Russian. Consular institutions have Registries on legalization of the documets and acts in accordance with the form stated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation.

For example, it is necessary to do consular legalization for a Russian degree in order to use this document in United Arab Emirates.

The order for consular legalization in RF would be the following:

1. Notary copy of a document to be done;

2. Notary translation into Arabic language to be executed;

3. The mark of Ministry of Justice to be put;

4. The mark of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be put;

5. The mark of the Embassy of UAE in Moscow to be put.

In case it is necessary to do consular legalization of a commercial document (invoice, specification, etc) the scheme would be the same, except that instead of Ministry of Justice and MFA there would be the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. As well as the embassy of the country under question and the translation to the language of this country.

For example in order Russian marriage certificate to be valid on the territory of China it is necessary to do a consular legalization procedure for this country.

Legalization of documents for China consists of five stages:

1. Notary copy of the document to be certified;

2. Translation into Chinese language to be made and notary certification of the translation to be executed;

3. Documents to be submitted and received from Ministry of Justice;

4. Documents to be submitted and received from Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

5. Documents to be submitted and received from the Consulate of National Republic of China.

The language of the translation as well as the Embassy could be different according to the country.

We execute the translations and notary certification, and at the stage of the legalization itself there join in our partners from Moscow. Average time for the procedure of consular legalizatin is 2 weeks including forwarding the documents to Moscow and back.


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